Friday, October 10, 2008

Practice What you Preach

Everyone who knows me knows I love to exercise, and I work in the fitness and wellness industry, but I am progressively declining in my eating habits. I don't eat enough of the good foods, and way too much junk. I try to justify it with the phrase "I'll burn it off when I work out later", but I know I need to be eating healthier not for weight purposes but for overall health and prevention reasons. Its so hard to eat good with lack of time and funds, to buy and prepare healthy foods. This Sunday I am giving a lesson in church about Healthy Eating Habits, so what better time to make a change in my own habits. A great website that I love, is . Now this is my tax dollars going to good use. It is all free too. There is a My pyramid plan, you type in your info and it tells you how much you need of everything. There is the menu plan where you type in your info then search for the foods you will eat and it subtracts it from what you need. And also a tracker where you can find what you already ate to see how well you are doing. It is really great you can even print off sheets to right it down and track it that way. There is also a great section for kids.

I know it all sounds great in theory but actually doing it is the hard part. But think about how much you (I'm really telling myself this) surf the net each day; just spend 30 min and plan out the next day or week. I need to change my habits now especially before the holiday season when temptations grow stronger. So if anyone would like to join me, we can all share recipes and healthy tips (because I need help)! Here's to a Change for a Healthier Life!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Election Annoyances

I have had the opportunity to watch a lot of news the past 6 months, because at my job I have TVs all around, and the older generation doesn't seem to want to vary too much besides fox news or CNN. I am so tired of the election, it makes me not want to vote at all, I will though because I know it is important. Why is it all about what the other guy does wrong or won't do, or who he once meet 30 years ago. The answer to the question What will you do about the economy? is well so and so has no experience, they voted against such and such bill. They basically would suck at being President. I'm not a genius but that didn't answer the question at all. Everyone says thats Politics, but I just which kindness, respect, and over all positiveness ( if that is even a word) was more a part of our government, our citizens, our daily lives.

One other huge frustration of mine is the lack of respect for our President. I am not a political scholar, I don't know a lot about the in's and out's of the government. But I do believe that as an American Citizen I should respect the President of this country. That doesn't mean I have to agree with everything he says or does. But the lack of respect so many people have for the President disgusts me sometimes. I'm sure when the Founding Fathers wrote the amendments, freedom of speech and press, they could have never imagined what limits people would push that to one day.
I love the 13th article of Faith, I wish that these principles where more evident in the world around us.

"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. "

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I got a new job today!! I will be the Fitness and Wellness Coordinator at the Texas Tech Rec Center. I love working with the older people, but this job will be more challenging, more fun, more money and more interaction with people my own age. I am so excited because this means I also get to go to Utah for a week before I start. I am just really nervous about telling my boss I am leaving. I'm having anxiety over it. I hate disappointing people or feeling like I let someone down. So I guess I just have to suck it up and do it. I'm scared though!