Friday, September 7, 2012
I've been a horrible blogger!
I have been such a bad blogger. I am really good with updating my facebook with our all adventures and now I instagram as well. So blogging as just fell by the wayside. Hopefully I will get back into it soon. I just made a photo book of Kobe's 1st year. Its been a great year and we love having Kobe in our Family. We have been moving and traveling a lot. Its almost hard for me to keep track of myself. We are in Manhattan Kansas now and I think we are finally settled for a while, but who really knows. We will go where ever Gabe's work needs him to be as long as we get a raise :). I'll try to update about our summer travels soon, but then again I might not. Facebook is the best way to keep up with the Eyerly. I can't believe the summer is over. I am ready for some lazy days and cooler weather. Bring on the Fall and the pumpkin pie!
Kobe's first year!
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Monday, January 9, 2012
End of 2011 and Beginning of 2012
We had a great Holiday. The following pictures are backwards because I still don't know how to really add pictures to blogger so we are going to back track to Christmas. Kobe and I were gone for another 2 weeks. First Christmas in Dallas and then New Years in Utah.. It was wonderful but exhausting and Gabe was only with us for the first 5 days so it is nice to finally be home all together. Kobe is a little over 5 months now. He is getting so big and chubby, we love it. He rolls over and laughs all the time. He is really a good baby and of course the cutest baby ever.

This is what are second room looked like when we first moved in. Slowly we were clearing it out but while I was in Utah Gabe surprised me and finished the whole room and set up the nursery.
He even organized the whole room, bought shelves and finished hanging pictures all around the whole house. He did so much was so sweet. He even framed my college diploma. Our apartment finally feels like home now and I am loving it.

Kobe is getting use to sleeping in his crib. He is doing better and better each day. After his first nap in the crib though this is how I found him. Now I swaddle him every time and he does great, He still manages to get out of the tight swaddle almost every time. He is sleeping in his room and sleeping much better through the night.. usually only waking up 1 or 2 times. He is also taking much better naps in his crib. I am trying really hard to get a schedule down since we are home and not traveling for a while.
Gabe's Christmas present was tickets to a Lakers game since they played here in Portland. Our friend Curtis game up for the game. I guess they had pretty good seats and had a great time even though the Lakers lost. Gabe got to see Kobe Bryant so I think that is all that matters.
We started Kobe on rice cereal. At first, every time I would go to put it in his mouth he would also stick his fist in his mouth. He is doing great now and I can't seem to feed it to him fast enough.
We spent Christmas in Dallas with the Eyerlys. It was awesome everyone was there except the Henderson Family whom we all missed a lot and hope to be able to see soon. My in-laws got everyone Les Mis Tickets for Christmas and we all went out for the night the day after Christmas and saw it at the Dallas Opera House. It was awesome. It was fun getting all dressed up and having a night out with the adults. Everyone looked awesome and the musical was amazing.
Christmas Eve and morning were so much fun. There were so many people all around. On Christmas Eve we had a fun family history fireside and sang Christmas songs. We also played minute to win it Christmas games (thanks Casi). It was so fun. Christmas morning was filled with presents and fun. Our stocking this year were cute bags because our old stockings got ruined and I have yet to make some new ones. Family on the stairs.. I think I'll make this a tradition like my family did. Well only if we have stairs around I guess.

Kobe got a Lakers bib in his stocking I got some Lakers earrings and Gabe got Chiefs tie tacks. Santa really wants us to be sports fans I think.
All in all it was an amazing Christmas vacation. Of course on Christmas we had the opportunity to go to church and celebrate our Savior's birth. It was nice having Christmas on Sunday to help us remember the real meaning behind the holidays. I am so grateful that I was able to spend the holidays with my family. Gabe and I are truly blessed with a wonderful family. We are excited for the year 2012 and what it will bring to our little family. Last year brought many new exciting changes to our lives and we hope that 2012 will be full of just as many excited things.
Monday, December 12, 2011
I can't believe it is December all ready. November went by so fast. Probably because Kobe and I were gone for 3 weeks. Our week long Thanksgiving trip turned into 3. We had a great time though. Its nice to be home with Gabe though and rest before we set off in a couple weeks for our Christmas adventures.
We flew into Baltimore and got spend a day with Wade, Kellie and Ammon.
We had a great visit even though it was so short. We are excited to see them again at Christmas
Gabe and Kobe sleeping in the morning...too cute. Love these guys
Kobe saw Santa. I think he looks like a little elf.
After Richmond I decided that Kobe and I would go to back to Lubbock to visit since we had to go through Dallas anyways and it would break up the trip back. My 3 day visit turned into 6 but we had an awesome time. We miss all our family and friends in Texas. Thank you all for letting us hang out with you and crash your homes. I got to visit lots of friends and the rec center. I really miss my old job and friends and love being able to go back so they can all see Kobe. Don't worry we will be back in a couple months.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Halloween in Utah!
Kobe and I just got back from visiting the family in Utah. We were there a for a week and really enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Kobe got to meet my Dad and Uncle Preston for the first time and Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jonathan and his 3 cute cousins. Kobe's cousin Brennan is only 8 days older than Kobe but they couldn't look more opposite. I love going to Utah for Halloween. My parents have a great neighborhood for trick or treating. The twins looked so cute going up to the doors. Only in Utah can people hand out homemade cotton candy and donuts and it is okay to eat them. I got to spend time with lots of friends too. I definitely don't miss the snow in Utah but I miss being close to my family and friends. Thankfully we get to fly for cheap and can go back often. If we couldn't I bet my mom would be mad, she hates seeing Kobe go. Don't worry we will be back at Christmas time. Kobe did great on the plane both ways. I'm really lucky that he sleeps most of the way. He better get to use to flying because we have a lot more trips planned! It is good to be home, we missed Gabe a lot and Kobe loves spending time with his dad and I'm sure Gabe missed waking up in the night and changing diapers. Here are few great pictures from the trip. I am the worst about writing under pictures it never works for me, so you just get them all at once.

I made sure we carved a pumpkin before we left. Gabe did a great job and Kris helped me get all the seeds out. This last picture I took a few weeks ago but I just think it is the cutest little face ever!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Kobe at 11 weeks
Kobe is growing so big. We just had his 2 month appointment, he was 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 1/2 in. He is a little guy but to me he has grown so much. He is smiling and cooing like crazy. He is starting to get baby chub to him and I just love it. My mom came here for a couple weeks at the beginning of the month and we loved having her here. We miss the help and company but we are headed to Utah soon to see the family and I am super excited!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
We have officially moved
Well we have officially moved to Vancouver WA. Kobe and I have been here for almost 2 weeks. Kobe is a little over 5 weeks now. I can't believe it. I haven't posted much so I thought I would go all the way back to the birth and post a few pictures and then some pictures of the following weeks.
This is me talking to Gabe on the phone since he couldn't be there. We kept him updated the whole time.
After Kobe was born our friends were all so great and let us crash at their houses until we were ready to move. The Bakers let us stay at their house for a week and then we stayed at the Nicholas's for almost 2 weeks. We are so grateful for their help. Karris took these cute photos of Kobe and then my friend Scott took the colorful ones of him at the rec center.
We blessed Kobe in Lubbock 2 days before we left. My mother-in-law made him an adorable
suit with a vest and tie as well. She also made Gabe a matching tie. I made a bow to match as well. Boy! were we a good looking family. Gabe gave Kobe a wonderful blessing. It was great to have so much family there.
Kobe is so precious and we just love having him in our family. We are excited for this new adventure in Vancouver. We have already explored farmers markets and dog parks with chief and today we drove out to the coast. I miss our friends in Lubbock like crazy but I am excited for the new adventures are little family of three are going to experience in this new place.

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