Kobe and I just got back from visiting the family in Utah. We were there a for a week and really enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Kobe got to meet my Dad and Uncle Preston for the first time and Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jonathan and his 3 cute cousins. Kobe's cousin Brennan is only 8 days older than Kobe but they couldn't look more opposite. I love going to Utah for Halloween. My parents have a great neighborhood for trick or treating. The twins looked so cute going up to the doors. Only in Utah can people hand out homemade cotton candy and donuts and it is okay to eat them. I got to spend time with lots of friends too. I definitely don't miss the snow in Utah but I miss being close to my family and friends. Thankfully we get to fly for cheap and can go back often. If we couldn't I bet my mom would be mad, she hates seeing Kobe go. Don't worry we will be back at Christmas time. Kobe did great on the plane both ways. I'm really lucky that he sleeps most of the way. He better get to use to flying because we have a lot more trips planned! It is good to be home, we missed Gabe a lot and Kobe loves spending time with his dad and I'm sure Gabe missed waking up in the night and changing diapers. Here are few great pictures from the trip. I am the worst about writing under pictures it never works for me, so you just get them all at once.

I made sure we carved a pumpkin before we left. Gabe did a great job and Kris helped me get all the seeds out. This last picture I took a few weeks ago but I just think it is the cutest little face ever!
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